A podcast dedicated to company operations!
Between Two COO's
Nathaniel Manning Profile Photo


Nathaniel Manning is the co-founder and COO of Kettle, a company that uses deep learning to reshape the reinsurance industry to better balance risk for a changing climate.

Nathaniel has a long career of founding and leading companies including Fellow Robots, BRCK, the largest provider of public wifi in Africa, and Ushahidi the world’s largest open-source platform for crisis response. Along the way, he worked on furthering clean energy as part of the Clinton Climate Initiative at the Clinton Foundation, and Nathaniel was part of the Obama Administration's first class of Presidential Innovation Fellow, where he was special advisor on open data at USAID, the world's premier international development agency, that he went on to become the Chief Data Officer.

With that kind of track record, it’s safe to say that Nathaniel puts his money where his mouth is when it comes to creating technological solutions to some of the world’s biggest problems.

Easiest to read this:

Check out the founding story of Kettle at:

Feb. 15, 2022

Kettle COO, & White House Innovation, Nathaniel Manning on Balancing Risk In A Changing Climate, Structure Without Bureaucracy, Evolution By Design, Good Decision Making, the Social Contract of Insurance, and Sitting on a Monastery Cushion

Kettle COO, Nathaniel Manning, talks about balancing risk in a changing climate, structure without bureaucracy, evolution by design, good decision making, the social contract of insurance, and sitting on a monastery cushion for 3 months. He also talks about old guard vs new guard, building the plan…